Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022, is a day area school districts and public services will find out if they will receive the funding they seek from the people they serve.
Western School District voters will have a chance to vote on a bond proposal to build a brand-new elementary school with no addition to the current bond rate. Follow the link to the Western School District’s website for more information: https://wsdpanthers.weebly.com/
Concord School District is asking for 9.5-million-dollar bond that will construct a new facility for multiple grade levels that will focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). More information available at https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1938753/Concord_Postcard_8.5x11_r4_nomailed__1_.pdf
Grass Lake Township residents will head to the polls to determine whether the Grass Lake Charter Fire Department will receive money for equipment upgrades and general funding. For more information, see the Grass Lake Charter Township website: https://www.grasslakect.com/2022/03/10/fire-millagehttps-www-grasslakect-com-wp-content-uploads-2022-04-2022-fire-millage-renewal-informational-literature-docx/
The polls open at 7am and will close at 8pm. Stay tuned to WKHM and WKHM.com for the latest results.