Mark your calendar for a public meeting on Wednesday, January 22, to discuss the future of Waterloo Recreation Area in Jackson and Washtenaw counties. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is hosting the event from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Eddy Discovery Center in Sylvan Township.
The meeting will focus on a new draft of the Phase 2 general management plan, which outlines long-term strategies for preserving park resources while enhancing recreation and education opportunities. Attendees can review proposed improvements, hear about the planning process, and share feedback with DNR staff.
If you can’t make it, the draft plan is available online, and comments are accepted through January 24. Visit Michigan.gov/Waterloo for details.
Waterloo Recreation Area features over 80 miles of trails, campgrounds, boating access, and the Gerald Eddy Discovery Center. For questions, email Matt Lincoln, DNR land specialist, at lincolnm@michigan.gov.