Jackson residents have several opportunities this summer to walk, roll and stroll through parks! The City
of Jackson Parks and Recreation Department is partnering with AARP to organize the new Walk, Roll
and Stroll Jackson program, which is a free 6-event summer series that’s open to all ages and abilities.
The program kicks off on Tuesday, May 3 at the Ella Sharp Park soccer fields and leads participants
through a non-competitive 3 mile route. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. with the event starting at 7:00
p.m. The remaining events are being held May 17, June 7, June 21, July 5 and July 19. Events on the
first Tuesday of the month are held at Ella Sharp Park, and the events on the third Tuesday of every
month are held at the Cascades Park pavilion near the sledding hill.
The events are also family and pet-friendly. Door prizes will be awarded to children and adults at the
completion of each event, with a grand prize awarded on July 19. The program is free and open to all
Jackson County residents. Ella Sharp Park is located at 2800 Fourth St. The soccer fields are on the
east side of the park and reached from Birchwood Drive. The Cascades Park is located at 1401 S.
Brown St. The pavilion and sledding hill are located on the west end of the park off S. Brown St.
Schedules will be available at each event or on the 5th Floor of City Hall. For more information please
call 788-4040.