Jackson, MI — Jackson county offices will begin opening their doors to resume normal office hours on Monday, June 15, 2020. While this date is the allowable opening according to the governor’s current Executive Order, some of the different departments still follow rules or guidance as determined by their funding sources. It is strongly advised for visitors to check the county offices’ specific webpage or call ahead before showing up in person.

Jackson County also shares that it is important to understand that with the opening of offices, businesses will resume new standards of operation and asks people to be aware of the following as some offices may have limits on the number of people allowed into their location.

  • Call the office ahead of time to find out if they are actually open to the public or if they have limited hours.
  • Find out if you need an appointment to receive services.
  • Know and understand that offices may be implementing a health screening to determine if you are running a fever or exhibiting other symptoms before entering the building. If symptoms are present, you will not be allowed to enter the location.
  • You will be required to wear a facemask or face covering at all times while in the office/building unless you are physically unable to do so or you will not be allowed entry. Children under 2 years of age are not required to wear a face covering.
  • Practice social distancing of at least six feet from other people around you.

Visit mijackson.org to find the department or office you wish to visit. Their reopening information, phone numbers and other information regarding their services will be available online.

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