Hormel creates a line of bacon using wood used to create college basketball tournament’s courts. I think it’s a cool concept and they’ve only created a limited amount to be released.
The company describes the bacon as ‘a first-of-its-kind bacon smoked with the actual northern cherry maple wood that is used to make the final floors of the 2023 college basketball tournament.’
Hormel says it ‘teamed up with Connor® Sports, the official court supplier of March’s annual tournament, to make this dream a reality. Connor® Sports trimmed the ends of the actual wood used to make this year’s courts to create the hardwood maple chips used by the smoked meat experts at Hormel Foods. Smoked low and slow over the northern maple wood chips, Hardcourt Smoked HORMEL® BLACK LABEL® Bacon infuses the savory strips fans love with the rarified smoke of real March hoops hardwood.’
The only way to get your hands on a package is to win it. And you can do that here. The company says ‘Each commemorative pack includes a stack of Hardcourt Smoked HORMEL® BLACK LABEL® Bacon, a certificate of authenticity, collectible maple wood chips and coupons for more HORMEL® BLACK LABEL® Bacon products’
Worth a shot to get your hands on something only a few people will get the chance to taste!