Henry Ford Allegiance Health is having a celebration on Sunday.

From noon until 4pm, HFAH will be celebrating their 100th anniversary, as well as the opening of their new patient tower. Kari Doty joined WKHM to tell us a little about the new tower. “That’s one of the things we’ve heard from our patients through the years that they’d love if they could have a private room, so we’ve been working for the last few years planning to open a new patient tower.” The tower is above the Heart and Vascular Center and is 59,000 square feet over 3 floors, creating 66 new rooms. Doty added that the rooms offer a quieter environment, and better for healing; which is something not all facilities have.

Doty added that there are a couple of ways to join the party, “You can register online if you’d like, but can just show up as well. We have prize drawings, we have special guests that will be here from the Detroit Lions and Detroit Pistons, we have some health information booths and some screenings.” There are also food trucks, prizes, games, art, information, and much more; as well as a tour of the new tower.

Once she mentioned the Lions and Pistons, we had to ask, who’s going to be there? “Something that has kind of happened in the last few days, the Detroit Lions Jason Hanson will be on our campus with us on Sunday.” Doty said. Others will be there as well, but Hanson will be on hand signing autographs and taking in the festivities.

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