
County National Bank, a longtime supporter of the Jackson Area Hockey Association, is sponsoring a girls 8U (8 years of age and under) tournament team this season.  The team will participate in tournaments in Chelsea and a “Turkey Time Tournament” in Jackson.

Ultimately the two organizations hope to form a Jackson girls league.

In that regard, this Saturday, October 8th, 2022, the Optimist Ice Arena will host “Girls Try Hockey Free beginning at 11:30am. According to Event Coordinator Nick Schnieder, you may want to show up earlier as putting on hockey equipment hockey equipment can be challenging.  “You can find the link to enter on Jackson Area Hockey Associations Facebook page” said Schnieder on a recent AM Jackson appearance on WKHM, “We are also going to do, with the help of CNB, once a month on Friday nights and do a girls skate, come out and try hockey.  November 11th at 6:30pm and December 16th at 7pm are the dates we have now”.

In addition to “Girls Try Hockey”, the JAHA will host a 10U (10 years of age and under) event Saturday from 9:30am to 10:30am.

More information and further dates can be found on the JAHA Facebook page.

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