Jackson, MI — From the Jackson County Health Department:
The Jackson County Health Department is providing the following information in order to prevent further transmission of COVID 19 related to an exposure where a person with COVID participated in a sporting event. The following has been identified as an exposure site for COVID 19 in Jackson County.
· Sand Volley Ball Tournament at Gottschalk Park, 420 Homer Rd in Concord Michigan, 29237 on July 26th
The Jackson County Health Department is advising players and spectators who attended the event listed above or who has had close contact for a prolonged period of time (>15 minutes) with someone who attended the event to be aware they have been potentially exposed to coronavirus. Symptoms typically show up 2-14 days after exposure. Exposure could have occurred at the event or several days later with close contact to someone who attended the event. Please notify your contacts of potential exposure. Exposure does not mean that you need to be tested even if you do have symptoms, but you should stay home.
If you have symptoms or if one of your close contacts has developed symptoms, that person should isolate themselves from others in the house as much as possible. We also ask that if you attended either of these events and have had symptoms, to call the Jackson Health Department at (517) 788-4420, option 9 and leave a message. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 disease include fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath. Other less common symptoms are losing your sense of taste or smell, headaches, and stomach or intestinal issues.
There may have been individuals in attendance at this event who reside outside of Jackson County and may not have been identified as close contacts, but may have had risk of exposure. We appreciate your assistance in notifying these individuals on this matter. Please call the health department at (517) 788-4420, option 9 and provide their information for contact tracing.
If you are interested in testing, you may obtain testing through Henry Ford Allegiance Health by calling (517) 205-6100 or Center for Family Health by calling (517) 748- 5363. Appointments are required for testing.
For more information, visit the Jackson County Health Department webpage located at www.mijackson.org/hd. You can also visit www.michigan.gov/coronavirus or https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html for additional information regarding preventing getting sick.