With hundreds of voters visiting Jackson City Hall in the final days before the Nov. 3 General Election, City services are being altered so staff can help residents have their voices heard. The City Clerk’s Office is expanding its business hours the weekend before the election. It will be open on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to help residents with pre-election services such as voter registration and absentee ballots. The City Clerk’s Office is located on the First Floor of Jackson City Hall, 161 W. Michigan Ave.
As election activity increases at the City Clerk’s Office on Election Day, all other City departments at City Hall will be closed to the public on Tuesday, Nov. 3 with employees working remotely. City Manager Jonathan Greene recently planned this one-day service change so employees from other departments could assist with election activities. “We expect large numbers of voters coming to City Hall on Election Day. Having less employees and residents in the building means we can better control indoor capacities and help mitigate some COVID-19 concerns,” Greene said.
Voters may utilize an absentee ballot drop box outside the front entrance of City Hall and a drop box inside the City Clerk’s Office. All City Hall departments will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Wednesday, Nov. 4.