(LANSING, MICH) Michiganders can now preview the health insurance plans and rates that will be available during the upcoming Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment period by visiting Healthcare.gov. Open enrollment runs Nov. 1 to Dec. 15 but effective immediately, consumers can browse plans and see estimated premium tax credits or other savings on health insurance without logging in, creating an account, or filling out the official application.
“Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace is an important opportunity for Michiganders to access quality, affordable health insurance to help keep their family safe and healthy,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Signing up for health insurance may seem overwhelming, but no-cost assistance is available to help you find a plan that fits your individual needs. Your family’s health has never been more important and financial help can make coverage available at little or no cost.”
Although average 2021 rates approved by the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) were up 1.1% compared to 2020, Michigan continues to have comparatively lower average premium rates than most other states. Michigan has a robust marketplace with nine issuers, which places Michigan in the top 5 in terms of Marketplace participation.
“Health insurance is an important component of health and financial wellness for our residents and our state, which is why we want everyone to know about the plans available during open enrollment,” said DIFS Director Anita Fox. “For 2020, nearly 80% of Michiganders who signed up received low- or no-cost coverage through the Marketplace, and people can now preview the subsidies or credits they are eligible for before they sign up.”
Michigan has experienced an estimated 46% increase in uninsured adults due to the impacts of COVID-19, and the state recently announced a $1 million effort to promote health insurance coverage options. There are a number of ways for people to get covered, and depending on their income and situation, consumers may qualify for no- or low-cost coverage through cost sharing reductions, premium tax credits, coverage programs for children, the Healthy Michigan Plan, or Medicaid.
“The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is strongly committed to giving low-income state residents who have been impacted by COVID-19 and others who are in need access to health care coverage,” said Robert Gordon, director of MDHHS, which administers Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan. “It’s more important than ever to help Michiganders stay healthy.”
MI Bridges and the Marketplace will direct consumers to the programs they are eligible for, so there is no wrong door to begin the process to get covered. To get started:
- Open enrollment for the Marketplace runs Nov. 1 to Dec. 15, 2020, with coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2021. Assistance is available to help people at no-cost by visiting gov.
- Special enrollment periods to get coverage are available for people who have experienced a qualifying life event, such as job loss or change in household size. Consumers may be eligible to enroll in new coverage to take advantage of financial subsidies if they are already enrolled in a qualified health plan and experienced a drop in income. Also, American Indians and Alaska Natives can enroll in a Marketplace plan at any time and can change plans once a month. For more information about special enrollment periods, visit gov/screener.
- Depending on income and other factors, coverage is also available through Medicaid and the Healthy Michigan Plan. Those eligible can apply for coverage at any time through gov/MIBridges or by calling the Michigan 211 COVID-19 Resource Navigation line at 844-587-2485.
- Seniors who have lost employer-provided health insurance during the pandemic may also be able to sign up for Medicare during a special enrollment period. For more information about signing up for Medicare or about eligibility for a special enrollment period, seniors may visit gov or call the Michigan Medicare Medicaid Assistance Programat 1-800-803-7174.
For assistance, consumers should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace at www.healthcare.gov or call the Marketplace Call Center at 800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325). Consumers can also contact DIFS Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 877-999-6442 or DIFS-HICAP@michigan.gov if they need assistance.
The mission of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services is to ensure access to safe and secure insurance and financial services fundamental for the opportunity, security, and success of Michigan residents, while fostering economic growth and sustainability in both industries. In addition, the Department provides consumer protection, outreach, and financial literacy and education services to Michigan residents. For more information, visit www.michigan.gov/difs or follow the Department on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.